2010년 4월 6일 화요일

Shinmyung LEE
Japanese Culture


Kyung lah (2010, April 02). Why would 'RapeLay' thrive in Japan?. CNN WORLD,
Retrieved April 06, 2010, from http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/04/02/rapelay.japan/index.html?iref=allsearch .


When Hentai gmae posted in CNN, many people don't understnd that.

Hentai game is issued from Japan's complex cultural. Japanese sexual culture

is totally different to others cilture. One of the reasons that make it possible to

hentai game is patriarchal society which the men have all the power. So there is

a lack of women in powerful positions in Japan and since men dominate

practically everything, there's not much done about the repression

or sexualization of the country's women.The worst thing is that the sexual

contents are opened child. Cleveland, an associate professor of sociology

at Temple University in Japan, believed the international society

will pressure Japanto forbidden , making it harder for hentai games

to be sold and distributed.


Korea is patriarchal society like Japan even now. But the sexual contents

is not free-hearted in Korea.I think Japanese personality make lower rights

in sexual thing. In my opinion, Japanese personality is that they're shy

or doesn't much say "No" and only concentrate their business.

I think the sexual problem getting serious such a being these personality.

Of course, some modern Japanese women has a strong rights in their society

but they're weaked the only part of sexual. Japanese goverment strongly

limits that children download pornography as law. They have to prepare which

movement towards sexual equality from childhood. I hope Japan establish

a long-term polish about women's rights in sexual culture.

Vocabulary :
condemn - criticize
repress - to prevent from being expressed
deviant - unacceptable, unusual
patriarchal - a powerful man in family
entrepreneur - businessman
scrutinize - search
feminist - women's right same as man
viral - virus
heinous - bad, evil
indecipherable - uncceptable,don't understand
expedient - helpful
provoke - anger

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